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Caring for Plants

Plants are alive. Like humans, plants eat, grow and reproduce. In their natural environment, plants thrive without human intervention. However, when we decide to bring plants home to connect with nature, plants need to be cared for in order to survive. A common request we receive from customers is “I want a plant that needs no maintenance.”. Our honest reply to them is “Please go for artificial plants”. Caring for real plants is a therapeutic activity and it brings joy as we watch them grow and thrive healthily.
Many customers often say “I don’t have green fingers. All the plants I tried to grow, died!”
So, what exactly makes growing plants so difficult? The most common reason is the lack of understanding regarding the needs of the plants and that, the needs vary across different plants. There are approximately 390,000 species of plants on planet earth and different plant species have different traits and growing needs. Hence, the care tips for one plant may not be suitable for another plant.
Plant taxonomy is the science that finds, identifies, classifies and name plants. The scientific classification of plants follows a system of rules that standardizes the results and groups successive categories into a hierarchy: divisions, classes, orders, families, and genera. Basically, plant taxonomy helps us understand the traits of the plants and their natural growing condition. With the advancement of technology, this information is now easily accessible online, facilitating us to understand more about the plants we have. Simply Google the name of the plant and you will find lots of information of the plant. Google Lens can also help you in identifying the name of the plant. We can also search for care tips from growers who share their experiences online.
The questions we usually ask our customers are “Where do you want to place your plants?”, “How is the lighting condition of that location?” and “How is the air circulation of that location?” Knowing these 3 elements, will help us recommend the appropriate plant for that location.
Unfortunately, plants can’t speak when they are unwell. As growers, we have to observe our plants periodically and look out for signs and symptoms of unhealthy plants. Adjust the growing condition and the care routine according to weather. When the growth of the plant starts to stagnate or deteriorate, look out for disease or pest on the plant itself or in the soil. It is good to fertilise the plants to maintain good plant vigor, as healthy plants are less susceptible to disease. Other good practices such as spacing, pruning, and weeding will help to promote airflow and reduce humidity , making it less favorable for disease.
Gardening is often a process of trial and error, a learning journey. We learn from past mistakes, try to identify the cause of the problem or death of the plant, and avoid repeating the same mistake. Gardening cultivates patience and perseverance and boosts our mental and physical health too.  

Plant Pests

Plant pests are organisms that cause damage or injury to plants. Plant pests are part and parcel of gardening. Common plant pests are mealybugs, aphid, scale insect, thrips, spider mites and whiteflies.

To prevent pests, it is good to prune and remove diseased and infested branches, fertilise the plant regularly to promote good growth, ensure good air circulation and good soil drainage. 
In a garden and nursery setting where plants are exposed to all the natural elements, pests are unavoidable. Many nurseries use pesticides, but the use of pesticides does not totally eradicate the pest problems. For commercial growers, periodical application of pesticides is necessary to control pest problems. However, pesticides are harmful to our biodiversity and can be carcinogenic as well. So in our private nursery, we fertilise our plants to strengthen the plants and use non-toxic remedies such as Sulphur soap and dishwashing liquids with neem oil to control pest problems instead of pesticides.

As plants buyers, we want healthy plants that are well rooted and pest free. Being in the plant business and having our own private nursery have made us realised that realistically it is impossible to eliminate all pests. Pest infestation on the leaves and stem can be detected by careful observation of the plants. However, early infestation in the growing media is usually undetectable unless one actively remove the plant from the pot and search through the potting media and root system of the plant. Hence, for all potted plants from our nurseries and all other nurseries, we encourage our customers to quarantine their newly purchased plants for a few weeks or re-pot their new plants with new media.



Having green plants in your home/office help to improve the air quality and literally add life into your living space. Health benefits of plants range from lowering blood pressure to include energizing the mind. There are many ways to enhance the aesthetic look of your plants and integrate them with the interior design. There are decorative pots, glasswares, plant holders and figurines to make your plants more interesting. 

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